Cybersecurity & AI Literacy Courses for Individuals and Teams
Our courses are suitable for individuals and teams. You can select to undertake a single course, or embark on a expertise journey.
Browse our entire catalogue of courses
Securing Industrial Control Systems: A Technician’s Guide
$199.95 -
Industrial Cybersecurity Assessments and Audits
$299.95 -
Securing Industrial Networks and Communication Protocols
$299.95 -
Industrial Cybersecurity Analysis and Incident Response
$299.95 -
Mastering OT/ICS Cybersecurity
$299.95 -
Designing Secure Industrial Control Systems
$299.95 -
Secure by Design: SCADA and ICS Architectures
$299.95 -
ICS OT/IoT Security Consulting
$499.95 -
Strategic Cybersecurity Leadership for Critical Infrastructure
$499.95 -
The Future of ICS Security: Research and Innovation
$499.95 -
Cyber Security in financial services and markets
$299.95 -
Cyber security in data storage or processing
$499.95 -
Cyber Security Critical Infrastrucure in Australia and the globe
$199.95 -
Cyber security in the water and sewerage sector
$299.95 -
Cyber security in communications
$299.95 -
Cyber security in the defence industry
$299.95 -
Cyber security in higher education and research
$299.95 -
Cyber security in the energy sector
$299.95 -
Cyber security in the food and grocery sector
$299.95 -
Cyber security in the healthcare and medical sectors
$299.95 -
Cyber security in transport
$299.95 -
Protective Security Policy Framework PSPF
$299.95 -
Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme
$199.95 -
Essential Eight
$199.95 -
Information Security Manual
$199.95 -
Victorian Protective Data Security Standards – VPDSS
$199.95 -
NSW Mandatory 25
$299.95 -
Queensland Government Information Security Policy – IS18
$199.95 -
WA Information Security Management Framework
$299.95 -
Defence Industry Security Program – DISP
$499.95 -
Australian Energy Sector Cyber Security Framework – AESCSF
$499.95 -
DECODE introduction and its application
$199.95 -
DECODE Part 1: Humans-The strongest and weakest link
$199.95 -
DECODE Part 2: Cyber psychology – What goes online will go offline